
ichaa faizaah faiizaah chaaca

Kamis, 24 Maret 2011

a.       ad can be interpreted as news order (to encourage, persuade) to the audience / people crowded about the items or services offered.
b. Ads can also be interpreted as a notice to the audience / people bustling about goods or services sold and installed in the mass media, such as newspaper / newspapers, magazines and electronic media such as radio, television and the Internet. From understanding these ads can be concluded that the ad is created with the aim to attract attention and encourage or persuade readers of the ad in order to have or meet the demands of advertisers.
of understanding the ad, ads must comply with the terms of the following advertisement;
Terms advertisement
1. Language Ads
a. Using right word choice, attractive, polite, and logical
b. express or figure of speech used to entice and suggestive
c. Compiled briefly and highlight the parts that necessitated

2. Content advertising
a. objective and honest
b. brief and clear
c. not offend a particular group or other producers
d. attract many people.

Example Invitation:

David and Andrea
Are pleased to announce the arrival of

Herma Ismail

On  12 August 2011
             At 9.50 pm
In BTN Lamunre block A

Advertisement is information for persuading and motivating people so that they will attract to the service and the thing that are offered or informed.
Function of AVERDTISEMENT are : *pasti ada fungsinya lahhh*
«  Promotion.
«  Communication.
«  Information.

The American Marcedes
Is an exact copy-part for part-of the great car of international reputation, and is built here to save American buyers the heavy import duties.
            The American Marcedes is the car for speed, power and noiseless running

The definition of Announcement
Announcement is something said, written, or printed to make known what has happened or (more often) 
what will happen.
* In Writing an announcement keep following this point :
1. The title / type of event.
2. Date / time, place.
3. Contact person

Contoh Announcement
Your ref : -
Our ref : xyz/001
The Personnel Manager
Mawar street 15 Jakarta
Dear sir,
To Arrange the Interview
I want you to help me to arrange the interview.
Could you interview 10 applicants who applied for the position of Internal Auditor staff. The company will recruit 2 applicants.
The interview will be held on Monday, October 12, 2009. start from 10.00 am at conference room 2nd floor.
Thank you for attention.
your faithfully

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